All plants and facilities digitally under control
“Since using Modocu, we no longer have to spend hours filing and searching for photos”
more efficient administration by 5 hours a week
all technical and project-related documents properly archived
10 users involved in the project benefit from the time savings
100% fulfillment of all project schedules
In the past, the photo documentation of all the properties we manage was very time-consuming and not saved in real time. Each employee took photos and usually only filed them manually in the correct project folders a few days or weeks later and painstakingly labeled them. About three years ago, a colleague was looking for a suitable app to save him this tedious work and came across Modocu. Since we have been working with this software, we have saved so much time and have clearly improved the quantity and quality of our photo documentation.
Hours of filing, labeling and searching for photos are now history and our employees can invest more of their valuable working time in their actual work. The software has had a positive impact on all activities in our day-to-day work – better documentation and also better communication within the team, all information is available anytime and anywhere.
We highly recommend Modocu to any company in the facility service and maintenance sector that wants to significantly improve the quality of ist work and save valuable time.