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Deine Elektroinstallation im Blick

Keep your electrical installation precisely and reliably under control. With support through Modocu, you'll always have a precise overview.

Electrical installation businesses that trust us

Discover Modocu, the ultimate software for electrical contractors. With our innovative solution, you can give your construction projects a transparent structure and always keep track of your tasks and completion dates. From the initial inspection to the quotation phase and execution, Modocu optimizes your work processes, minimizes sources of error and increases the overall performance of your electrical company. By making your work easier, you increase the performance of your entire electrical business from start to finish and boost the motivation of your employees. Find out how Modocu can take your projects to the next level and get started now!

Save time documenting your electrical and security technology projects with/using Modocu

In the field of electrical and safety engineering, proper documentation is crucial for smooth operation, compliance with regulations and customer satisfaction. With Modocu, we simplify this process and provide your company with an efficient project documentation solution to save a lot of time.

Modocu enables electrical and safety engineering companies to significantly speed up documentation processes. With just a few clicks, images can be taken directly on site via the app, which are automatically saved to the right project without wasting time transferring files across different storage media.

Our app offers an intuitive user interface that is specifically tailored to the needs of electrical and security companies. Projects can be easily created and organized, and photos are automatically filed to the correct project.

Modocu promotes seamless team collaboration. Everyone involved has access to the collected documents, which improves communication and ensures that all team members are always up to date.

Try Modocu free of charge for a whole month and benefit from the extra time you gain!

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In order to accurately implement electrical and safety engineering projects, proper documentation for quality control and compliance is required. Modocu offers a reliable solution to meet these requirements and keep track of project details.

Say goodbye to time-consuming, manual processes and tedious paperwork by using Modocu and experience the future of electrical and safety engineering project documentation with our solution. Get started today and take your company to the next level!