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As simple as our software!

modocu frame modocu frame
Yearly save more than 15%

    Buy now
    • Unlimited projects
    • 10 GB in the Modocu cloud per active app
    • Mobile application for iOS and Android (offline use and automatic sync)
    • Web application to access your data
    • Download data to your server
    • Email support
    • Contacts
    • Create sketches
  • PRO

    Buy now
    • Unlimited projects
    • 20 GB in der Modocu Cloud
      per active app
    • Mobile application for iOS and Android (offline use and automatic sync)
    • Web application to access your data
    • Download data to your server
    • Email support within 24 hours (working days)
    • Contacts
    • Assign categories
    • Create sketches
    • Share media
    • Map function
    • Create meeting reports
    • Create construction reports
    • User roles and rights management
    • Create groups
    • Allocate projects to groups and users
    • Use multiple company data

    Contact us
    • Customised and adapted to your needs
    • Demand-orientated service and support levels
    • Integration services
    • Contact us for more information about Modocu Enterprise and get a customised quote

*Prices excl. VAT, minimum order 3 licences

General questions

How does the trial work?

You can use Modocu for 30 days without any obligation and to its full extent. Your account will expire automatically and will not be charged. You will receive an e-mail from us before the trial period ends. Your media can be downloaded before the trial period ends.

Do I have to cancel (on my own) during the trial period?

No. You are under no obligation during the trial period. However, we look forward to welcoming you as a new customer.

What payment methods do you accept?

Modocu accepts payment by invoice, for which we ask for your company details when you order your subscription.

What kind of contracts are available with Modocu?

You can choose between a monthly and an annual contract/payment. The annual contract gives you two months for free.

With Modocu, can I combine licences with different billing periods, both monthly and annually?

No, Modocu requires that all licences have the same billing period and cannot be mixed.

Can I combine Basic and Pro licences with Modocu?

No, this is not possible. You must choose either Basic or Pro licences and therefore do not have the option of mixing them in your account.

How can I cancel my subscription?

You can always cancel your subscription one month before the end of the subscription period (month or year). Contact us by phone or send an e-mail to (Please refer to our terms and conditions for further details).

Is there a support team for help?

Yes. Send us an email to We would be happy to make you an offer for more extensive and customized support.

Can I also use the app offline?

Yes. The Modocu app on the smartphone can also be used offline. The data will be synchronized as soon as you are online and connected to the Internet again.

Who can access my data? 

Your data is stored on secured servers in the cloud and can only be viewed with your access data or your user.

Is Modocu also GDPR compliant? 

Yes, Modocu is GDPR compliant. When you purchase Modocu licenses, we will send you our GDPR form for order data processing in accordance with Art. 28 of the GDPR to the email address you provided. Please sign this form and send it either scanned to or returned to our address by post. This whole process ensures that Modocu is also GDPR compliant.

Can I also run Modocu in my IT infrastructure or in my cloud?

Send an email to or contact us by phone. We will work with you to find an optimal solution.