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Success Stories

  • Since using Modocu, we no longer have to spend hours filing and searching for photos
    Michael Malfent, Head of Department
    Hours of filing, labeling and searching for photos are now history and our employees can invest more of their v ...
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  • We handle complaints effortlessly with Modocu
    DI (FH) Jürgen Roithinger, Air conditioning technology in dry construction
    With Modocu, we handle complaints effortlessly, manage our buildings quickly and easily, and thus have shortene ...
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  • Seamless documentation of production work
    Harry Rotzoll, Head of Department
    Directed work is now fully documented and we can give our clients an update on the progress of the project at a ...
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  • Modocu impressed me with its high level of flexibility
    DI Philipp Krall, Site manager
    The main reasons for choosing this software were the flexibility and ease of use of the mobile app and the web. ...
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  • Modocu makes paper unnecessary
    Christoph Frisch, Managing Director
    With Modocu, paper becomes superfluous – it provides us with additional security and information on the quali ...
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  • Documentation at an unprecedented level
    Paul Haberhauer, Managing Director
    Thanks to Modocu, we have taken our construction site documentation to a previously unattained level. ...
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  • For us, Modocu means saving time
    Lukas Landsteiner, Authorized signatory/managing director
    For us, Modocu means time savings in reporting, clean photo organization, easy tracking of construction progres ...
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  • There are numerous application examples
    Bmstr. DI Christoph Gangl, Managing Director
    There are numerous application examples where we save a lot of time when storing and finding photos. ...
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